
The main purpose

The best PALM SUGAR SOLID in the entire Sumatra region of Indonesia.

We have special standards for palm sugar, which means – everything has to start with the farmers.

And we have traveled to palm plantations almost all over the island of Sumatra randomly, carrying out laboratory tests, making molds, making agreements with farmers, and packaging palm sugar right after production.

About Palm Trees

Palm Tress Product

Why Palm Sugar Solid?

  • Little processing
  • Direct from farmers
  • Can be used as a cooking raw material
  • As a raw material for making granulated sugar
  • Always new and fresh, because it is packaged immediately after being taken from the farmer


The world population is healthier, participates in forest conservation, the economy is improving, world cooperation is increasing


  • Palm Sugar Farmers
  • Form farmer group associations in each region that produces palm sugar
  • Making their products ready for consumption/reprocessing by people all over the world


Facts we discovered along our journey

The following is our experience and some things we have encountered ourselves in the field. If there is something you don’t like or have any questions about, please contact us directly

We just o want to provide a clear view of the situation, without intending to make the people mentioned feel discriminated against or feel accused.

Mutualism Cooperation

We are holding a collaboration that adopts mutalism symbiosis. One of them is by participating in offering products from our friends - who are willing - in one community, and getting a small profit at the end of the project which we use to finance our palm sugar testing program. So, you see many products on our main page. All products have been tested, and we treat all products according to specifications, both in handling, storage and distribution.

Global trade RIau I
Global Trade Indonesia

Collaborate with us

We want to invite you, who have the same ideas as us, or who are interested in our efforts - to collaborate or help or participate in our efforts

The main objective of this collaboration is to facilitate farmers to obtain HACCP and Organic certificates